Recollection on Friendship - Kalyanamittanussati
Have I this day failed to act as a close friend to those whom I have met? Have I, through body, speech or mind, been hostile, indifferent or rude to any other beings? Have I sought to take advantage of others, not looking upon them as if they were my grandparents, parents, brothers or sisters? I here and now before the Buddha, resolve to be as our Lord himself, a true friend to all the world.
As a friend, I will help the troubled, counsel the misguided and comfort the lonely.
As a friend, I will never misuse another's confidence in me to mislead or to deceive.
As a friend, I will abandon neither evil-doer nor fool, for if I do who shall be their guide?
As a friend, I will ignore ingratitude and mistrust and continue to extend my hand.
As a friend, delighting always in concord, I will speak of others' good deeds and be silent about their faults.
As a friend, I will always remember good done to me and soon forget the bad.
May my friendliness win me the friendship of others.
May my friendliness protect me from hostility, anger and aggression.
May my friendliness grow into love and compassion and help in the freeing of the heart.
(Excerpt from Nava Puja, Ven. S. Dhammika, 2010)
(see also Recollection on Virtue, Recollection on Generosity, Recollection on Peace and Recollection on Blessings)
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