About 关于

Since its inception in 1985, the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society (BDMS) has been dedicated to making known the teachings of the Buddha. The Society organises talks and courses, observes and performs Buddhist celebrations, and publishes books to encourage the study and practice of Buddhism. We also have other sites where we post updates and Dhamma material - our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Our Society's Emblem 象徵:

The pink lotus symbolizes the Buddhist ideal of being upright and treading the Path amidst the impurities and imperfections of this world, like a lotus above the murky waters of the pond.

The golden circle represents the Mandala, the circle of wayfarers who came together to hear, to share and establish confidence in Dhamma, like the rim of light looming over the Lotus.

The rays signify the luminosity of the perfect mind which is the attainment that comes to one who sincerely and diligently practices the Teaching, like the aura radiating from the Lotus.

Our Motto 格言:

Our motto (see below) encapsulates the whole direction of the Buddhist life. One can practice the Dhamma only if one knows it well. The more one practices, the deeper one's knowledge becomes. Sharing the Dhamma is an essential part of practising it and in sharing the Dhamma, one understands it better. The mission of BDMS is to create an environment as well as act as a catalyst for the motto to be practised and expressed.

Dhammo parinneyyo: With reverence for the Buddha's words and attentiveness of mind, we will strive to know the Dhamma thoroughly.

Dhammo sevitabbo: With diligence and care and so we can attain what the Buddha attained, we will strive to practice the Dhamma fully.

Dhammo desitabbo: With love in our hearts and because truth is the greatest gift, we will share the Dhamma generously with others.

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