- Buddha 佛: One who is fully awakened, made an end of suffering, accomplished in wisdom and compassion. The historical Buddha of our time is Buddha Gotama, otherwise known as Sakyamuni, the sage of the Sakyan clan (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z || Footprints in the Dust: The Life of the Buddha from the Most Ancient Sources).
- Dāna 布施: The act of giving. It is also a means to cultivate generosity (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Dhamma 法: The Teachings expounded by the Buddha, which when diligently applied, leads one to the complete ending of suffering (for more details see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Four Noble Truths 四圣谛: Noble truths of suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the (eightfold) path leading to the cessation of suffering (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Kamma 业 (Sanskrit: Karma): Deeds performed with intention, via body, speech and mind (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z || Good Kamma! Bad Kamma! What Exactly Is Kamma?).
- Noble Eightfold Path 八正道: Right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Pāli 巴利: The language in which the Canonical Buddhist Scriptures were preserved (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Saṅgha 僧: The community of disciples of the Buddha, consisting of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Sīla 戒德: Virtuous bodily and verbal conduct (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Three Characteristics 三法印: Impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) and not-self (anatta).
- Tipiṭaka 三藏: The three collections of texts making up the Canonical Buddhist Scriptures - Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka. In the 21st century, we are extremely fortunate to have the scriptures digitalised - one of the best websites that preserve these scriptures is SuttaCentral (for more details, see Guide To Buddhism A To Z).
- Triple Gem 三宝: The Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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